What does a monster call a girl who has three heads, nine eyes and six arms?

    What do you call someone who puts poison in a person's corn flakes?
    A cereal killer

    Knock knock! Who's there?
    Boo Who?
    Ah, don't cry, Halloween is just around the corner!

    How does a monster count to 11?
    On his fingers.

    What do you say to a 2-headed monster?
    Hello, hello.

    What happened to the monster that took the five o'clock train home?
    He had to give it back.

    What is a zombie's favorite dessert?

    What time would it be if five demons were chasing you?
    Five after one.

    Why do ghouls and demons hang out together?
    Because demons are a ghoul's best friend!

    Why do cemeteries have fences around them?
    Because people are dying to get in.

    What's a monster's favorite play?
    Romeo and Ghouliet

    Why did the monster eat a light bulb?
    Because he was in need of a light snack

    Why wasn't there any food left after the monster party?
    Because everyone was a goblin!

    What happened to the guy who couldn't keep up payments to his exorcist?
    He was repossessed.

    How do you mend a broken Jack-o-lantern?
    With a pumpkin patch!

    What do you get when you take the circumference of your jack-o-lantern and divide it by its diameter?
    Pumpkin Pi

    What do you get when you drop a pumpkin?

    Why do Jack O' Lanterns have such silly looks on their faces?
    You would too if you just had all your brains scooped out!
