What type of music do ghosts prefer?
    Spirituals, of course.

    What would you call the ghost of a door-to-door salesman?
    A dead ringer.

    What did the mother ghost say to the baby ghost?
    "Don't spook until you're spooken to."

    What do little ghosts drink?
    Evaporated milk.

    What do you get when you bite a ghost
    A mouth full of sheet

    When do ghosts usually appear?
    Just before someone screams.

    What do ghosts serve for dessert?
    Ice Scream

    What's a ghost's favorite breakfast?
    Ghost Toasties with booberries.

    Why are so few ghosts arrested?
    It's hard to pin anything on them.

    What's a haunted chicken?
    A poultry-geist

    What do you call a ghost in a torn sheet?
    A holy terror.

    What did the little ghost have in his rock collection?

    Where do baby ghosts go during the day?
    Dayscare centers

    What kind of mistakes do spooks make?
    Boo boos

    Where do ghosts mail their letters?
    At the ghost office

    Why did the ghost cross the road?
    To get to "THE OTHER SIDE"

    What do you call a ghost with a broken leg?
    Hoblin' Goblin.

    What happens when a ghost gets lost in a fog?
    He's mist

    What do you call a roomful of ghosts?
    A bunch of boo-boos.

    What's a ghoul's favorite game?

    Why did the ghost starch her sheet?
    She wanted everyone to be scared stiff.
